What does Fluff & Such do?
Puppetry Videos
After discovering the Funday Pawpet Show, Nonsanity jumped at the
chance to do some puppetry performances and video directing/editing. He dragged his wife and
friends in on the project, since his time was limited due to work, and besides... The more
hands (and heads), the better. Though now he mainly creates his material alone in a padded room.
(Okay, it's not padded, exactly... There's just a green cloth tacked to the wall.)
After each video is aired on FPS, it will become available here for immediate viewing (flash) and personal download (mp4).
All the files are now in Quicktime 6 or higher format. You must have at least Quicktime 6 installed
on your machine. It's available for free from Apple
for most computers. (It's Q6's native MPEG-4 support that keeps the quality high and the file
sizes low.)
All of the videos were made on one or more Apple Macintosh
computers, most with Adobe After Effects.
I'm With You
Avril Lavigne
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This is my personal favorite for its technical results.
[FACT: The rainy parking lot was a flat image tipped to imitate camera movement. ]
If I Had A Million Dollars
Barenaked Ladies
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The funniest of the music videos.
[FACT: The "million monkeys" were shot in just eight takes. ]
Major Tom
Peter Schilling
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With some help from my friends: "Major Tom" by Peter Schilling. The first "special-effects" video!
[FACT: Now has a Special Feature! A Making Of clip...]
Farted On Santa
The Little Stinkers
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Mesmo The Magnificent sings a little ditty about an unfortunate incident...
[FACT: There's only one puppy, and he did all the parts himself. (Only payed him once!)]
The Reason
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After a long intermission... A simple one-take with post production.
[FACT: Watch for the hair. That took half the time of making this video! ]
Call And Answer
Barenaked Ladies
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Tag performs "Call And Answer" by Barenaked Ladies with Hardley singing backup.
[FACT: Hardley was filmed to lean out of the back window, but he was too small there, so a new window was Photoshop'ed closer in.]
Ding Fries Are Done REMIX
Kage & "Ding Guy"
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Sorry Uncle Kagemushi! x2!!!
[FACT: Anthrocon's chairman - and all around great guy - Kage, has forgiven me for this! ]
She's So High
Tal Bachman
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Tag performs "She's So High" by Tal Bachman on location at Myrtle Beach, SC.
[FACT: It was Harley Davidson Week in Myrtle Beach, and NO ONE noticed the singing dog!]
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Puppet #1, Hardly Bear, singing "Wonderful" by Everclear.
[FACT: Only a couch, a pillow, and a blanket were used as a "set" in this video. (I'm under the blanket.)]
Beside You
Tal Bachman
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Hardley, as a child's teddybear, sings of his love for his friend... Forever and always.
[FACT: The fifteen seconds with the flower took hours and hours and hours... ]
Annabella's Song
Tal Bachman
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A September 11th tribute, a love that's beyond the heart's reach.
[FACT: Thrown together in two days from old test footage. Only the last scene was new.
It was all shot on-location, no chromakey (greenscreen) this time. ]
Kage Sings
[right-click to download]
Sorry Uncle Kagemushi!
[FACT: Done in 2 hours live durring the Funday Pawpet show's Xmas in July episode. ]
FPS Animated Logo
Logo by Herbie Animation by Me
[right-click to download]
An animated logo for the Funday Pawpet Show
[FACT: Looks a little like Flash, but it's all After Effects. ]
Fluff & Such Promo
Fluff & Such
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A promo video for Fluff & Such used at an event by a friend... I forget the details.